One Year


Words can not describe how much you have grown already! It seems like yesterday they placed you in my arms for the first time, you were so tiny! Now you are attempting to do more and more things on your own. You are very determined (and stubborn!) just like your dad. When you really want something you will let the world know! You get frustrated when you can't do something on your own. You still love to be held (I don't see that lasting much longer though!) and you love people. You are very social and adore the ladies. We think you may fall in love easily the way you fawn over nearly every young girl/woman we walk by! You love green beans and almost everything we eat. You have not liked "baby" food since about ten months, you will even refuse to eat anything mushy that comes close to resembling baby food like mashed potatoes. You still don't have any teeth! You still aren't walking but it won't be much longer. You pull yourself up and stand on you own often. You crawl so fast and love being chased! You like the comfort of your mama but love playing rough with your dada! No one makes you laugh like him, except for maybe your Uncle Chase who you just adore. You have a little temper already but still such a sweet disposition. You love our pug Izzy but like to crawl into her cage which drives Mommy nuts! You know what the word "no" means but you love testing boundaries. You can be so loud and like drawing attention to yourself, I think you may have some of Daddy's "class clown" tendencies in you (uh oh!). You get so excited over the little things (ceiling fans, lights, wind chimes). I am looking forward to seeing you grow and learn more. Our sweet almost toddler!!

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