My Birth Story

Wow am I late on writing about this! What can I say, I had my beautiful boy and have fallen so madly in love, the rest of the world does not exist to me at times. My family is my world and that is that. Now I can totally see why friends have babies and don't call back! Anyway, I figure recalling the birth of my son and writing it down while it is still fresh in my memory would be a good idea so here we go...

On Wednesday, 3/7/12, I started having some contractions. They weren't super painful but they were definitely stronger than any Braxton Hicks contractions I had before so I waited until Chris got off of work, made sure we had all of our hospital bags ready, called my mom and off we went to the hospital around 1 am. In the back of my mind I was already feeling bad that this might not be it. I wasn't screaming or clutching my belly but my contractions were just a few minutes apart so I didn't want to take any chances. When I got to the hospital I was asked my pain level, "I don't know, seven? Eight maybe?" I was all hooked up and checked, only 3 cm dilated. The lady told me he wasn't ready yet, just go home. My face fell, I felt so bad to get everyone so excited just to be sent home. We didn't get home until around 6 am, poor Chris was exhausted but I was on a mission to get this baby out of me! I didn't want to have to be induced and we were quickly reaching our due date (3/10/12). From then on it was walking, spicy food, foot massages, yoga ball bouncing nonstop. Fast forward to 3/9/12.

It was a day like any other, I was bouncing on my yoga ball polishing off the bag of sweet chili Doritos when I started getting contractions and they were stronger this time. Much stronger. Still, I wasn't taking any chances this time. I kept bouncing trying to ignore them. I started pacing the room, walking up the step and back. Did some squats, did some detailed cleaning (did not know there was that much wall dust!). Then Amy came over to make sure the carseat was properly installed and I started losing my breath from the contractions which were at this point, about a minute and a half apart. Amy decided that I needed to go to the hospital immediately. I wasn't so sure but relented and off we went! I called Chris' work and at this point they were hurting, like belly-clutching hurting! We got to the hospital, I was asked my pain level "TEN! OWW! TEN!!" I was rushed through immediately this time. Checked and "Oh yes, you are about seven or eight cm dilated. You are ready!" That's when I asked for an epidural by just about anyone who walked by me and it was finally given to me in time.

My epidural went great! It was administered by a student and I was a bit cranky about that but when she finally finished, I didn't feel a thing. I was completely numb from the waist down, couldn't even move my legs. I allowed friends and family to come in and visit, we laughed and talked. Would he be born on the 10th or the 9th? It was around 11 pm at this point so I figured it would be the 10th, like his great grandpa. The nurse said we would try some "practice pushes" soon and around 11:30 she checked me and said "Oh, you are ready to push!" In came the doctor and more nurses and I started pushing. They kept saying he is almost there PUSH! I pushed and before catching a breath was told to push again. The doctor asked if I would like him to use the vacuum. "Huh? Will it hurt him?" He assured me it would not, that it would help get him out. He seemed to be in a hurry and help sounded good so I agreed. He suctioned him some and I pushed some more. Chris said "Honey, there is hair!" Another push and he was out and immediately placed in my arms. I sobbed like a baby. I felt overwhelmed, exhausted, scared, excited, "This is my baby." They took him for examining, measuring, weighing and that's when he started wailing. My mom was already enamored "Look at his, skin! Have you ever seen a newborn with such beautiful skin already?" He looked so much like his daddy I thought. I couldn't have asked for a better labor really. I started having contractions in the afternoon, went to the hospital in the evening around 7 pm, started pushing around 11:45 and he was out in less than ten minutes! Noah Michael, born 11:52 pm on
11/09/12 (he wanted his own birthday), 20.5 inches, seven lbs even and he was beautiful. 

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